Thursday, December 27, 2007
Christmas This Year
We didnt really get anything officially for each other. It was a mutual agreement. We both knew how much was in the bank, and we both thought we didnt really need to spend any money. But it kinda made it less exciting since we really didnt get to see the surprise on each other's faces when we opened our gifts. All of that though I think would've subsided if we would've had some set traditions in place that we could've been looking forward to during the month of December. Matt and I have tried to put some in place, but this year they weren't anticipated. Matt even said that if we had kids, Christmas would be a lot more meaningful because we could pass on our traditions to them, and share things WITH them that aren't new to Matt and me anymore.
But even though there was not much exciting that happened, we still had to stop on Christmas night and realize that we had done everything to feel Christmas-y but the most important. And I think that we put the best tradition in place. We read Luke 2 aloud. I'm really excited to pass that one along to our future generation :)
Merry Christmas everyone. Even 2 days after the fact.
I love you, Matt.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Happy Post
Friday, November 16, 2007
Is anybody out there?
I FREAKING HATE WHEN PEOPLE DONT LISTEN TO ME. I mean, you have NO IDEA how many examples I can give you when I'm just sitting there in the middle of a sentence and people just start talking to other people. Matt's seen it happen. It's rididculous. It's like my words just go silent. I'm not even speaking about things that are trivial. It's like actually something useful. But people just want to not hear it and act like they came up with whatever I said on there on in the next few sentences they say. OR, later on, I'll hear them talking to people about the SAME EXACT SUBJECT and the person will tell them EXACTLY what I said and they're like "Oh,'re right." I most of all hate it when I'm trying to just say one thing and it doesn't matter what it is, the person is going to disagree.
I know I'm opinionated. I know that I have a problem sometimes when I see someone not "living fully" or whatever just because they won't open their mind on bit just to try something new. But I don't want to be like that anymore. I'd rather be apathetic than argumentative. I am SO sick of arguing my opinions. You don't have to think I'm right. It doesn't matter. We are all different people, you know. I'm the first one to say that just because something is right or wrong for one, doesn't mean it's the same for another person. (Of course I don't mean what it out-right states in the Bible is up for interpretation, I just mean the grey areas.)
So I will live and let live.
I will choose my battles.
I will become a verbal pacifist.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Easily Influenced
But I said all this to say that reading the book really made my mind start churning. In fact I wish I would've written this last night right after I read the book. My mind was racing so much that I don't even remember half of the things I thought about. Reading a great book or listening to talented musicians or studying great art just really influences me. I feel like I need to "do" something afterwards. Something to make myself or make the world better. Give something back. Some of the parts of the book really inspired me, like when Mr. Antolini gives Holden this quote, " 'The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.' " Or when Holden says that he wants to go live on a ranch and marry this girl he was with right then, while they were young, because after college you become an adult and without even knowing it you accept all of these responsibilities and you will never be able to live your life as freely as when you were a child. I was just thinking, yes! That's totally the way I feel, and especially what I needed to hear when I was in high school. I wanted life to be more, but yet stay innocent and simple. (But I digress...apparently my mind's starting to race again...)
I think I'm very easily influenced sometimes. I was even so influenced while I was reading that my inner monologue began to sound a little bit like Holden's. It's kind of scary. What's more scary is that I think everyone is that way. I can't stand it when I start changing myself to sound like one person or another. Whether it's when I'm singing a song and I try to sound like the artist, or I'm writing and I try to fit into another writer's style or form, or when I'm around a certain group of people, I try to form myself to their pleasing. I don't do it so much anymore, and I feel like some of that is just natural because you always grow as a person and develop your interests and you try to fit into your own mold by trying others' on for size. But I just don't want to be blindly lead into being someone else's "picture" of me. I don't want to fit into someone else's box. And in feeling that way about myself, I get really displeased when I see the nation trying to do that. Most people just do whatever the popular census is telling them to do. We're slowly turning into a type of government that we started wars to break away from. We're being bombarded by messages of political correctness and we are subconsciously being PUSHED into "the people that we should be." It's apparently a horrible idea to look back to our past and gain some wisdom and morals from our forefathers. We barely even stand for anything on which this nation was founded. I'm not saying that progress is not necessary and that this nation hasn't made some good changes since the founding of this country. But I am saying that we have no backbone. We have no real standards to fall back on or to base our decisions. We don't respect our leadership and we are being led by any Joe Blow that has some good-smelling hot air to spread. It's depressing. In a sense, we have fallen off the cliff of rye.
I still want to be a catcher.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Yeah, I said it. Who knows if I actually will EVER go back to college, but it's a good thought. My first goal, however is to get Matt to graduation. He told me he misses school and I would really like for him to go back if he wants. He doesn't have much more to go on his music degree. I think that when he goes back, I might try to share in the class loads with him, just to see if I could actually commit to going back myself and finishing my degree. I honestly hate school. You don't make money at it, so I kinda feel as if I'm not accomplishing a whole lot. That comes from my family background. They always were working and striving and slaving, honestly, and I probably developed some of my work ethic from them. (My parents are workhorses and I am definitely not. They have much more perseverance than I.) But yeah, I don't have a lot of desire to do papers or read 100,000 pages of ramblings on Frued's theory's of development, but I would like to say I have been trained properly on the major I had chosen. (Early Childhood Development/Education) And honestly, I am worried for my future children. I want to be as fully prepared as I can be. (Which I know, I'll never be fully prepared...blah blah blah.) But I want to homeschool my children and I want to be an intellectual leader for them, (among other things.) You know, I feel so much responsibility already for them and I feel I've let go of my responsibilities to MYSELF, as a Christian and just as an adult. Maybe I should've looked out for me when that's all I had to look out for. Maybe I should've taken some thought as to where my education or lack thereof would lead me. To this point, I'm happy with where I am, but I don't want to look back when I'm 50 and regret not finishing my education. Or maybe college is really overrated and it's actually NOT for everyone though they would have you believe otherwise. Either way, I am going to start reading more. I need to take time to read for pleasure and for enlightenment, to exercise my brain. Forget crosswords and sudoku. I will write my own crossword!!!
Hahaha. Just kidding.
Here's to my education.
Monday, October 15, 2007
My Desire
I really want to grow in Him. I'm tired of contemplating, and wondering ifs, and talking about it. I want to experience God. I want to know His words and I want others to benefit from His love. I need to stop and be still I think. I'm so caught up in staying busy that when I do get time to rest, I just do nothing. I've wasted like a week on that. (Presently. I'm sure I've wasted a lot more over my lifetime.) I want to experience life and love and my husband. I want to prepare a life for my future children that will be true and ethical and full of the richness of God's love. I want me and my husband to have a foundation of love and honesty, so that when we are faced with the difficult times, we can still go back to that foundation and have faith that it will not fall or fail. I don't want to give in to the pressures that this politically correct world is pushing on me. I want to stand up for what is right, even if it is not what everyone is telling me to say. I want to be an example of strength and meekness and the same time. I want to be angry and not sin. I want to be zealous and not selfish. I want give love and not expect any in return.
This is a lot of words and thoughts and hopes. I'm writing it down to keep myself accountable. I want to do SOMETHING. But first I will be still.
Lamentations 3:22-28 - Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion, therefore I will wait for Him." The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks Him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord. It is good for a man to bear the yolk while he is young. Let him sit in silence, for the Lord has laid it on him.
Lamentations 3:40- Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord.
Middle Name Acronym
M- Maternal. I'm pretty motherly and nurturing and I can't wait to have kids! (Actually, I can wait, I CAN WAIT.)
A- Ardent/Animated. This was in the same thesaurus definition. I'm kind of a combination of both.
R- Realistic. I used to be an Idealist. Then I moved out and got married. And I'm also very practical. I like to do things the simplest most unwasteful (yes that's a word) way as much I can. I dont like to waste.
I- Impassioned. Some would say stubborn or impetuous. I would say keen.
E- Enamored. I'm in love. With God. And with Matt. And with my future children :) It's amazing.
Alright. Well, there you go. Me to the letter. Yaay! I wish Matt would do this... :) ha.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Ya gotta have faith, faith, faith
On the other hand, I'm also praying about stepping out in faith in another area. It's kind of a situation that I can "control" so to speak. But ultimately He's in control of everything. I dont know whethere or not I should continue to "do what I have to do" or if I should just trust that He's not going to let anything happen that is not in His time. I'm sure this is confusing everyone. Any input you have will be welcome.
By the way, I love you Matt. Thank you for listening to me and comforting me.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Another Post. I know, right?!?
I just want to say that I love my mom's recipes. She doesn't cook a lot, or do any fancy new-fangled things (although she loves pampered chef gadgets,) but her food is GOOD! It's fast and it's simple and it's good! So I think I will start trying to become least in the kitchen. I want all you people to come over and eat my food and tell me whatcha think, so just call me or Matt and if I'm cooking, you can get a taste! I'm making Brunswick Stew tonight!
I just realized I've already started to blog like a mom. This is a good start, but I promise not to do this too often. (It will scare Matt I'm sure.)
Is it 4:30 yet?? ARGH!
Monday, September 24, 2007
That's all I got.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
And Matt, I know you used my "catch-22" phrase in your last blog...I forgive you ;)
I like talking to you via blog.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Blast from the Past
I used to be really insecure about myself and my life. I was really hung up on this guy and I was pretty depressed about our relationship and what was going to happen. I was frustrated because I didnt know how to make things turn out the way I wanted it. I wanted to go to college and be succesful and be a good worker and be involved in church activities and spend more time with my family and friends, but it seemed like I couldn't do anything until this one relationship was right. It was all I could do sometimes to go to work or school, and a lot of times I didnt. I would lie to my friends and not answer their calls and avoid conversations and limit myself and my experiences. I know this sounds pretty dramatic, but what can I say, I'm passionate, and I really wanted to have "that someone" in my life. (Starting a family and getting married has always been the most important goal in my life.)
Anyway, back to my friend. I feel like I've switched positions with one of my other friends that was in my life at that time. She was older and she understood me and she knew what was going on. I totally thought I was pulling the rug over her eyes (and everyone elses,) but no. Now I feel the same way as that friend. I know what's going on. I see the big picture. I know when she's lying to me. I know the reasons she says what she says when she says it. I can feel her longing for comfort and acceptance. Been there, done that. It's a hard, awkward, painful time in life that makes you the person you will be when you're 30. It's horrible and in the long run, you will see all of the mistakes of your past and vow to never limit yourself like that again...hopefully. :)
The question now is, do I approach her, or do I just sit back and love her and let her find her own way? Catch-22.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Fear for the Future
It makes me so sorrowful to see the injustice and the brutality that have been. I weep at all of the deaths of the revolutionary leaders and the mild-mannered protesters that were just standing up for what they believed in. I thought that was what America was made for, fighting for what's just and free speech and all that. Maybe I am just misunderstanding people’s intentions. I wasn’t alive then. Even if I was, I still might not have grasped the vastness of people intentions for their actions.
No matter the reasons, it is still death and assignation and murder. And what does it matter that it makes me fill with tears and desire to stand up for what is right? I still sit here and only write about it to make myself feel better. How do we justify our lives as Christians just living and doing our own thing, starting our own families and trying not to step on anyone's toes? I realize that some of us WILL live normal lives. And in Ecclesiastes 2:24, it speaks of how living our lives and working are our joy as humans. Maybe that’s the answer. We’re "just" humans. We’re too simple-minded. That probably answers, partly, the questions as to how people can be so profoundly out of control. But I like to think there can be more to us. After all we are God's creation. God can be in us (if we accept Him) and direct us down a journey that can radically change lives, more than any protest or demonstration. He is the one who brought us through the times of turmoil (mostly known as the 60s.) I really think that the 60s looked like the end of the world. I am in awe that God had so much mercy on us that He let us live long enough for me to be born, and live in a good home, and be surrounded by people who love me, and get married to the love of my life, and to sit here and write this.
If the 60s weren’t the end of the world, I fear what I will see in the future.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
So it looks like we're in the clear...
ahhhhhh. (small scream)
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Growing up

Let me just say, I've prepared my whole life for getting married, it seems. But nothing has prepared me for buying a house. This could be one of the most overwhelming processes in the world. I have seriously been sheltered for how much actual living on your own costs. I dont know why I let it stress me out. It's just so intimidating. I mean, mortgage payments, porperty taxes, home insurance, loan insurance, car insurance (which has nothing to do with buying a house, but we're dealing with that too) all of these things I've never factored into the cost of living before seem to be almost ALL of our budget now. WOW. I just dont see how everyone else has done it and made it look so easy. I'm just whining I guess. I'm not the only one with money concerns and I'm not the first to step out on her own. At least I have Matt. He's so supportive and he's really being postitive about the whole deal. He's "speaking life" as I like to call it. I don't think I would be able to do all this by myself. Please just pray for us, especially pray that I will start being positive about things and trust in God. He's the One who has blessed us this far and has gotten us to this point in the process anyway.
I just need to give Him my insecurities and just shut up and watch Him take care of us. :)
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
The Deserted Island List
Ok, here's my list of 30 cds I'd have with me on an island...that is IF I had to have it in cd form and IF I could only limit it to 30 cd cases. I'm sure this is really interesting for you...
Artist, Title
1. Almost Famous -Soundtrack
2. American Football -Self Titled
3. The Beatles -Abbey Road
4. Eric Clapton -The Cream of Clapton
5. Coldplay -Parachutes
6. John Coltrane -A Love Supreme
7. Dashboard Confessional -Dusk and Summer
8. Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds -Live at Radio City Music Hall
9. Dave Matthews Band -Central Park Concert (3d)
10. Miles Davis -The Miles Davis Collection (3d)
11. Bob Dylan -The Essential Bob Dylan
12. Death Cab for Cutie -Transalanticism
13. Garden State -Soundtrack
14. Jack Johnson -In Between Dreams
15. Jars of Clay -Much Afraid
16. Jimmy Eat World -Self Titled
17. John Mayer Trio -Try
18. Keane -Hopes and Fears
19. Carole King -Tapestry
20. Led Zeppelin -The Early Days and The Latter Days (2d)
21. Bob Marley & the Wailers -Legend
22. Moses Mayfield -The Inside
23. Mute Math -Self Titled
24. Oasis- What’s the Story Morning Glory?
25. Damien Rice -O
26. U2 -Rattle and Hum
27. Stevie Ray Vaughn -The Essential (2d)
28. Derek Webb -The Ringing Bell
29. Stevie Wonder -The Definitive Collection
30. Wild Sweet Orange and The Great Book of John -A Collection of Live Performances
(of course, WSO and TGBOJ do not have albums out, but I would like to have that one...)
Put your own list on my comments or on your blog. You're welcome for this one! ;)
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Blogs from MySpace (Con.5)
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Togetherness (this is a short one guys) |
Exactly! Posted by [Raconteur] on Sunday, May 06, 2007 at 3:01 PM
i agree. i liked being in the same room with you for an hour. Posted by Messy-ka on Sunday, May 06, 2007 at 10:13 PM
Word. Posted by <-ADAM-> on Tuesday, May 08, 2007 at 7:05 AM
i love you carla. i shall throw my negativity in the trash. sorry i vent so much to you. you are amazing and i am so glad that you are in my life! Posted by Sarah [gulf] Shores on Sunday, May 20, 2007 at 7:12 PM
So true. Posted by Rockmoon on Tuesday, May 29, 2007 at 10:49 PM
Blogs from MySpace (Con.4)
Current mood: discontent
Category: News and Politics
Some issues have been bothering me lately. I really need to read up more on my current events. Sometimes I do, and I watch the news everyday, but when I get the urge to do a little research, a lot of the articles I try to read are so biased that I don't think what I'm reading is truth. So much is just propaganda. (Where is journalistic integrity and impartiality anymore?)
Anyway, my mind has been on the war a lot lately. I hear about and see so much violence and terror on the other side of the world that it makes me realize how much I take this country for granted. Most of us have no idea what it's like to live in constant fear for our lives. I mean, just imagine how disturbing it must be to try to go to sleep at night, but to constantly wake up to sounds of warfare and casualty, or to wonder if the next corner you're walking around will be your last. (To get a little bit of a glimpse of that, watch Children of Men. It's incredibly disconcerting.)
Many people and a lot of my friends are against the war. I am against war as a concept. I mean, who really wants others to die for your freedom? But don't you realize how much evil there is in the world. What are we supposed to do about it? Just let it eat away at innocent or ignorant lives while we just sit back and hope it doesn't get to us and compromise our way of life? Wake up. It's here. Evil is right beside you. Maybe it's even in you. We as a human race should be willing to sacrifice some comfort and riches to take a stand against it and fight it for all we're worth. That's a hard thing to come to grips with, because most of the time I just want to ignore it and try to feel like there's only happiness around me. But if we sit by, it will creep into our lives before we know it and steal what is good. And yes, the war in Iraq is more than just a war against good and evil. After all, it is not a perfect world, and America is not a nation completely God-led. But if you just look back at the history of Iraq and its people, there was so much carnage and organized chaos in their government; wouldn't you want to take a stand for their people and actually fight for a better way of life for them? Don't you want to share some of our freedom to people less fortunate?
I'm not saying that I am completely in favor of the war and that I didn't want it to be over…like a year ago, but life is not perfect and we can't always get what we want. Previous generations understood better than our own generation and the generation before us, that you had to FIGHT for freedom and for what you desired in your life. You had to strive and struggle sometimes to give your family a life of prosperity and autonomy. Maybe we've become spoiled from all the hard work our past leaders and relatives have done for us to give us what we have. Have we forgotten what it took to get us to this position as a nation? Have we forgotten the values of generosity and consideration for those less fortunate because most of our peers have plenty just like us? Like for example, the president has had to cut funding for things and raise taxes for things so that we will be able to get our troops back sooner and hopefully create more permanent stability in Iraq. Some people are very upset about this. Most of what funding has been cut for is just creature comforts and things that we could forgo for the time being or even things that will still be around, just not financed by the government. It is nothing like having to ration everything and use stamps for the things we need. Quit whining. Step up and pitch in, you know?
All I'm saying is, let's take a step back and look at the big picture. Even if you don't agree with every little detail of the war (or whatever it is that's up for debate), is it ultimately accomplishing more good as a whole? Isn't that the more important question?
i'm gonna be honest .. i stopped reading when i realized how long this blog was .. i got through the first 6 sentences i think .. but i'm sure i agree with a lot of what you said .. and even if i didn't i'd tell you i did .. that way we can stay friends .. hope all is well .. later .. oh, and hey matt .. and jonus the cat ...
p.s. i know the cat's name is really jonah .. it was just a joke
p.s.s. it's even funnier that i admitted that i knew the cats real name, and yet still called him jonus .. wait, what is the cats name? i think i've confused myself .. anyways, happy valentines thursday ..
p.s. technically it's after midnight so we'll call it valentines friday .. i'm done now
Posted by David Galbraith on Thursday, February 15, 2007 at 10:16 PMBlogs from MySpace (Con.3)
August 23, 2006
Amazing things you can find in your glove box
Current mood: hopeful
So I was driving home last night and stopped at a gas station. While I was sitting there I decided to clean out some junk from my car and I came across these verses I had written down like a year ago. They were really what I needed to hear so I thought I'd post them.
Lamentations 3: 22 - 26
"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed. For His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him." The Lord is good to those who hope in him, to the one who seeks Him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord."Also, I was listening to Angels and Airwaves "A Little's Enough" which perfectly went along with what I was thinking about. I would post the lyrics, but I hate I'll just post one part of it (haha!)
"A Little's Enough"
Will we still feel pain inside? Will the scars go away with night?
Try to smile for the morning light.
It's like the best dream to have where everything is not so bad. Every tear is so alone like God Himself is coming home to say
I, I can do anything if you want me here
And I can fix anything if you let me near
Where are those secrets now that you're too scared to tell
I'd whisper them all aloud so you could hear yourself
You have the most inspirational glove box i've ever heard of.
Posted by [Raconteur] on Wednesday, August 23, 2006 at 1:46 PM
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Blogs from MySpace (Con.2)
August 1, 2006
Words of Encouragement
Current mood: pensive
Category: Life
Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, THE LORD, is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation.
Isaiah 12:2
Psalm 121 - A song of ascents
I lift up my eyes to the hills-where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip-He who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed He who watches over Israel will not sleep or slumber.
The Lord watches over you- the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day, neither the moon by night.
The Lord will keep you from all harm-He will watch over your life;
the Lord will watch over your coming and your going both now and forevermore.
It's amazing how reading the Living Word can reveal different things even when read several times.
Posted by [Raconteur] on Tuesday, August 01, 2006 at 8:50 PM
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Blogs from MySpace (Con.)
Current mood: relaxed
So, I'm from Alabama. Sometimes when people ask me where I'm from, I just wait to see what their response is going to be. I get the whole, "Oh...that's...nice" or the "Why are you still here?" reactions usually. Don't get me wrong, I like living in Alabama, but I also would seriously love to get out! I would like to try a different environment. I think it would make me grow, help me mature, and teach me a thing or two. But I've been thinking about this whole "I hate Alabama" mindset that I somehow put myself in periodically. You know the one where you begin to judge everyone that's from here that enjoys their life, and you start to think you're better than those people because you want to move away. What is wrong with me being from Alabama? Nothing. I actually enjoy it. Parts of Alabama are beautiful, we have green fields, hills (hello Vestavia), beaches and gorgeous sunsets. I was raised by my Alabama parents, and I think they did a pretty good job. They taught me to love God, enjoy what you have, and be thankful for everything. My mom gave me her genuine Southern courtesy, and my dad, with all of his hardwork and Southern charm, showed me to expect guys to be gentlmen and that a guy that's afraid to work, will never work hard for you in a relationship. I mean, what's so freakin bad about that? No matter where I go in life, I shouldn't forget where I'm from. It makes me who I am. And who's to think that I'm just supposed to go out and experience everyone else and their backgrounds? Maybe someone's supposed to experience mine too. Some of the best movies are made up of that plot line. (The Notebook, Braveheart, Moulin Rouge, Almost Famous, Fools Rush In, Garden State, I could go on and on...)
As long as you keep an open mind about life and situations, there's nothing wrong with keeping true to yourself and where you come from. Just quit judging and enjoy what's around you.
![]() | Currently listening : Careful Confessions By Sara Bareilles Release date: By 20 January, 2004 |
Hello Vestavia.
Posted by JustJennifer. on Saturday, May 13, 2006 at 8:08 PM
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Yay for Vestavians, i swear, we're not all bad
Posted by Phillip on Saturday, May 13, 2006 at 11:25 PM
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Amen Carla! I'm proud of where I'm from. It's a small town of about 3,000 people and the most beautiful place in the world to me. It's very peaceful and laid back and if I ever want to go somewhere else... I just take a drive and I'm there! I have some pics from around where I live on facebook in the "Back Home" album.
Posted by Justin on Sunday, May 14, 2006 at 8:18 PM
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Yea I'm guilty! I've always had the mindset that everyone who just wants to stay in there hometown their whole life and never get out is just stupid but I'm really trying to fix that! Its funny cause as much as I talked about hating T-Town and wanting to get out I was homesick and ready to come back after like a month of living in Atlanta! Crazy stuff!
Posted by Rockmoon on Thursday, May 25, 2006 at 11:57 AM
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Blogs from MySpace
Current mood: busy
Listening to some people's opinions lately, we seem to believe that there should be no law over us, we should be treated as "freed citizens" left to our own devices, to do and say what we please, whenever we please. But if another "freed citizen" offends us, THEIR freedom is no longer valid because it encroached on ours. There is no such thing as complete freedom when dwelling with other human beings.
Trevor Posts: i believe that our freedom as christians has nothing to do with the law. i believe our freedom comes from a spiritual emancipation that we have recieved through Christ. therefore, no law can touch that. no human government can encroach upon that.
now, when it comes to the US Constitution, i believe that law is necessary, but very subjective at times. there are some laws that keep us safe from eachother that are sort of "dual-wielded", that is, they are sanctioned by God and by the government (aka - murder laws).
also, as a christian, i find that my personal convictions often "encroach" on not only other religions, but also my fellow christians. so how are we to live under spiritual law alone when the only spiritual law we have anymore is that which we interpret ourselves. can we trust eachother to come to agreement on a set of spiritualy ordained law when we belong to many different religions and even those of us of the same religion differ in oppinon? i don't believe so.
so where is the peace? government. someone has to keep the peace. i believe that governments are, generaly speaking, ordained by God, whether they admit it or not and that the purpose they serve is to keep the peace on earth across religious and cultural lines. it's apparent that they do more than just keep the peace, but i would like to point out that a "christian" or "muslim" or "jewish" government will not and cannot work becuase at least one, if not many, would be discriminated against on the basis of religion, and that's not fair. in fact, it's not what we as christians are called to do.
maybe i'm just rambling. good post. got me thinking.
Carla responds: I guess what I am saying is that there is no real earthly freedom given to us by others (such as freedom under the law) because it all comes down to whom we are controlled by. Only if we are ultimately controlled by God can we be really free. I'll reply more to this later, I cant think right now.