Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Post

I hope everyone enjoys this wonderful holiday and is able to embrace
the goodness that this holiday was created for.
I hope you all know that I am very thankful to have you in my life.
You're all an intricate cog in the machine that is Carla.
Alright, so maybe the Thanksgiving spirit has made me all giddy.
But honestly, I love you. And I hope your holiday is enjoyable and you
are able to withstand all of your family for a few hours. :)

Friday, November 16, 2007

Is anybody out there?

Alright, I've tried not to vent in a blog about my own personal feelings lately, but now I'm gonna.

I FREAKING HATE WHEN PEOPLE DONT LISTEN TO ME. I mean, you have NO IDEA how many examples I can give you when I'm just sitting there in the middle of a sentence and people just start talking to other people. Matt's seen it happen. It's rididculous. It's like my words just go silent. I'm not even speaking about things that are trivial. It's like actually something useful. But people just want to not hear it and act like they came up with whatever I said on there on in the next few sentences they say. OR, later on, I'll hear them talking to people about the SAME EXACT SUBJECT and the person will tell them EXACTLY what I said and they're like "Oh,'re right." I most of all hate it when I'm trying to just say one thing and it doesn't matter what it is, the person is going to disagree.

I know I'm opinionated. I know that I have a problem sometimes when I see someone not "living fully" or whatever just because they won't open their mind on bit just to try something new. But I don't want to be like that anymore. I'd rather be apathetic than argumentative. I am SO sick of arguing my opinions. You don't have to think I'm right. It doesn't matter. We are all different people, you know. I'm the first one to say that just because something is right or wrong for one, doesn't mean it's the same for another person. (Of course I don't mean what it out-right states in the Bible is up for interpretation, I just mean the grey areas.)

So I will live and let live.
I will choose my battles.
I will become a verbal pacifist.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Easily Influenced

I just finished reading The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. It was great. I really am glad I'm able to finally enjoy reading. I hated being forced to read in high school. We never had to read anything very unusual or interesting, just things like Romeo and Juliet, The Scarlett Letter and The Old Man and the Sea. I do like Shakespeare and Hawthorne's ok, but nothing I had to read really sparked my interest (at least not enough for me to actually read the book and not use cliffs notes.) I wish I had read The Catcher...when I was about to go into college. It's a great coming of age book. (There's a lot of bad language in it and some immature phrasing because the protagonist is supposed to be 17 when he narrates the book, but that's to be expected and I just try to skip over the profanity.)

But I said all this to say that reading the book really made my mind start churning. In fact I wish I would've written this last night right after I read the book. My mind was racing so much that I don't even remember half of the things I thought about. Reading a great book or listening to talented musicians or studying great art just really influences me. I feel like I need to "do" something afterwards. Something to make myself or make the world better. Give something back. Some of the parts of the book really inspired me, like when Mr. Antolini gives Holden this quote, " 'The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.' " Or when Holden says that he wants to go live on a ranch and marry this girl he was with right then, while they were young, because after college you become an adult and without even knowing it you accept all of these responsibilities and you will never be able to live your life as freely as when you were a child. I was just thinking, yes! That's totally the way I feel, and especially what I needed to hear when I was in high school. I wanted life to be more, but yet stay innocent and simple. (But I digress...apparently my mind's starting to race again...)

I think I'm very easily influenced sometimes. I was even so influenced while I was reading that my inner monologue began to sound a little bit like Holden's. It's kind of scary. What's more scary is that I think everyone is that way. I can't stand it when I start changing myself to sound like one person or another. Whether it's when I'm singing a song and I try to sound like the artist, or I'm writing and I try to fit into another writer's style or form, or when I'm around a certain group of people, I try to form myself to their pleasing. I don't do it so much anymore, and I feel like some of that is just natural because you always grow as a person and develop your interests and you try to fit into your own mold by trying others' on for size. But I just don't want to be blindly lead into being someone else's "picture" of me. I don't want to fit into someone else's box. And in feeling that way about myself, I get really displeased when I see the nation trying to do that. Most people just do whatever the popular census is telling them to do. We're slowly turning into a type of government that we started wars to break away from. We're being bombarded by messages of political correctness and we are subconsciously being PUSHED into "the people that we should be." It's apparently a horrible idea to look back to our past and gain some wisdom and morals from our forefathers. We barely even stand for anything on which this nation was founded. I'm not saying that progress is not necessary and that this nation hasn't made some good changes since the founding of this country. But I am saying that we have no backbone. We have no real standards to fall back on or to base our decisions. We don't respect our leadership and we are being led by any Joe Blow that has some good-smelling hot air to spread. It's depressing. In a sense, we have fallen off the cliff of rye.

I still want to be a catcher.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


I want to expand my education.

Yeah, I said it. Who knows if I actually will EVER go back to college, but it's a good thought. My first goal, however is to get Matt to graduation. He told me he misses school and I would really like for him to go back if he wants. He doesn't have much more to go on his music degree. I think that when he goes back, I might try to share in the class loads with him, just to see if I could actually commit to going back myself and finishing my degree. I honestly hate school. You don't make money at it, so I kinda feel as if I'm not accomplishing a whole lot. That comes from my family background. They always were working and striving and slaving, honestly, and I probably developed some of my work ethic from them. (My parents are workhorses and I am definitely not. They have much more perseverance than I.) But yeah, I don't have a lot of desire to do papers or read 100,000 pages of ramblings on Frued's theory's of development, but I would like to say I have been trained properly on the major I had chosen. (Early Childhood Development/Education) And honestly, I am worried for my future children. I want to be as fully prepared as I can be. (Which I know, I'll never be fully prepared...blah blah blah.) But I want to homeschool my children and I want to be an intellectual leader for them, (among other things.) You know, I feel so much responsibility already for them and I feel I've let go of my responsibilities to MYSELF, as a Christian and just as an adult. Maybe I should've looked out for me when that's all I had to look out for. Maybe I should've taken some thought as to where my education or lack thereof would lead me. To this point, I'm happy with where I am, but I don't want to look back when I'm 50 and regret not finishing my education. Or maybe college is really overrated and it's actually NOT for everyone though they would have you believe otherwise. Either way, I am going to start reading more. I need to take time to read for pleasure and for enlightenment, to exercise my brain. Forget crosswords and sudoku. I will write my own crossword!!!

Hahaha. Just kidding.

Here's to my education.