Thursday, August 9, 2007

Blogs from MySpace (Con.4)

February 14, 2007

Current mood: discontent
Category: News and Politics

Some issues have been bothering me lately. I really need to read up more on my current events. Sometimes I do, and I watch the news everyday, but when I get the urge to do a little research, a lot of the articles I try to read are so biased that I don't think what I'm reading is truth. So much is just propaganda. (Where is journalistic integrity and impartiality anymore?)

Anyway, my mind has been on the war a lot lately. I hear about and see so much violence and terror on the other side of the world that it makes me realize how much I take this country for granted. Most of us have no idea what it's like to live in constant fear for our lives. I mean, just imagine how disturbing it must be to try to go to sleep at night, but to constantly wake up to sounds of warfare and casualty, or to wonder if the next corner you're walking around will be your last. (To get a little bit of a glimpse of that, watch Children of Men. It's incredibly disconcerting.)

Many people and a lot of my friends are against the war. I am against war as a concept. I mean, who really wants others to die for your freedom? But don't you realize how much evil there is in the world. What are we supposed to do about it? Just let it eat away at innocent or ignorant lives while we just sit back and hope it doesn't get to us and compromise our way of life? Wake up. It's here. Evil is right beside you. Maybe it's even in you. We as a human race should be willing to sacrifice some comfort and riches to take a stand against it and fight it for all we're worth. That's a hard thing to come to grips with, because most of the time I just want to ignore it and try to feel like there's only happiness around me. But if we sit by, it will creep into our lives before we know it and steal what is good. And yes, the war in Iraq is more than just a war against good and evil. After all, it is not a perfect world, and America is not a nation completely God-led. But if you just look back at the history of Iraq and its people, there was so much carnage and organized chaos in their government; wouldn't you want to take a stand for their people and actually fight for a better way of life for them? Don't you want to share some of our freedom to people less fortunate?
I'm not saying that I am completely in favor of the war and that I didn't want it to be over…like a year ago, but life is not perfect and we can't always get what we want. Previous generations understood better than our own generation and the generation before us, that you had to FIGHT for freedom and for what you desired in your life. You had to strive and struggle sometimes to give your family a life of prosperity and autonomy. Maybe we've become spoiled from all the hard work our past leaders and relatives have done for us to give us what we have. Have we forgotten what it took to get us to this position as a nation? Have we forgotten the values of generosity and consideration for those less fortunate because most of our peers have plenty just like us? Like for example, the president has had to cut funding for things and raise taxes for things so that we will be able to get our troops back sooner and hopefully create more permanent stability in Iraq. Some people are very upset about this. Most of what funding has been cut for is just creature comforts and things that we could forgo for the time being or even things that will still be around, just not financed by the government. It is nothing like having to ration everything and use stamps for the things we need. Quit whining. Step up and pitch in, you know?

All I'm saying is, let's take a step back and look at the big picture. Even if you don't agree with every little detail of the war (or whatever it is that's up for debate), is it ultimately accomplishing more good as a whole? Isn't that the more important question?


i'm gonna be honest .. i stopped reading when i realized how long this blog was .. i got through the first 6 sentences i think .. but i'm sure i agree with a lot of what you said .. and even if i didn't i'd tell you i did .. that way we can stay friends .. hope all is well .. later .. oh, and hey matt .. and jonus the cat ...

p.s. i know the cat's name is really jonah .. it was just a joke

p.s.s. it's even funnier that i admitted that i knew the cats real name, and yet still called him jonus .. wait, what is the cats name? i think i've confused myself .. anyways, happy valentines thursday ..

p.s. technically it's after midnight so we'll call it valentines friday .. i'm done now

Posted by David Galbraith on Thursday, February 15, 2007 at 10:16 PM

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